Friday, September 26, 2008

Phew... the beat goes on

George Stephanopoulos is saying the show will go on tonight. Overall, I'm glad to hear it, but I'm a little sad that we didn't get to witness Obama holding a townhall style meeting with the media. That would be a departure. Seriously, there was no way McCain could skip the debates seeing as how every journalist outside of the Fox network was left scratching their collective heads trying to decide how to report this piece of news without stating McCain is playing a game. Fox actually embraced that and lauded McCain's political brinksmanship. What a jaded audience they must have.

As I've said, I believe McCain's move was an attempt to grab the spotlight at a time when his campaign was coming down from the Palin poll bump and simultaneously attempt to add some economic credibility to his CV. I only wonder if Obama will deliver a knock out blow during the debate or just let it drop.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Dear McCain: Please stay out of Washington until the bailout deal is completed.

If there is no debate on Friday I'll spit.

Well, honestly, I spit often so it's not like I'll refrain if there is a debate. I'm frustrated with McCain's bull fighter's cape sweep attempting to manufacture relevance in an arena he has not entered in some time. He has not seen much of the senate in the last two years and now he wants to go to Washington, presumably to broker a bipartisan deal for a bailout of our financial markets, one that is argued we may not even need. I see this as an empty flourish added to a campaign bolstered by his sensational running-mate selection. McCain is weak on the economy. What better way to avoid a debate that would be completely dominated by the thorny subject of finance than to pretend to trim the briar patch in question? It's hard to nail him on it, because he can counter that he's too busy fixing the economy to talk about it.

The fact is finance is perhaps the most complicated area of an already complicated subject, and in this case we're attempting to fix finance with finance born from taxes. There is a lot of tension between Wall Street, the Fed, the Treasury, and the Hill. I envision lobbyists forced to camp in neighboring parks due to a lack of hotel vacancy. Now that many in Congress have had to say, "If I knew then what I know now..." there will be far more measured thought before we blindly sign a check for what is the gross domestic product of the Netherlands. Basically, this issue is hot enough. How about we let the politicians do their jobs and keep the campaign out of Washington.