Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It ate double point needles!

I arrived home early enough to set aside an hour or so to knit. I was stoked. I am working on this cute sock, and I just got my ravelry account activated so I've been chomping at the bit all day. I rushed through some house maintenance and snapped some pictures of knitting projects from the past to post later. I plunked down on the couch next to my yarn work when I realized I was missing some needles. One of my teammates told me she hated double pointed needles because she was always losing them in between seat cushions. I defended my precious dpns. You can't go around judging a tool simply because you misplace it can you? Besides, I have never lost my needles. Clearly she was crazy.

I lost a size 8 within a week. Thankfully, I was finished using it at the time so I could put off retrieving it.

Fast forward a month, and I find myself in a dire situation with a different set of needles. I was without a critical component for my relaxing evening. I figured the needles must have fallen in between the cushions of the couch which I unceremoniously removed from the frame and shoved my hands into the books and cranies of my tawny brown microfiber couch. No needles. Perhaps they fell through the cracks in the frame and dropped to the ground? No needles u dee the couch. I flipped the sucker over to find a rough cloth crumb catcher stapled to the underside of the couch. I heard metal rolling around when i did so i knew i was getting warm A couple staples were missing so I removed a few more and stuck my hand in. Nada. A flashlight, lots of couch flipping, and some arm contortion later brought me my missing size 8 needle but still no sign of the missing size 1s. I turned, flipped, and shook the couch around, and all I found was some loose change. I tore through the house. Finally I reassembled the couch, sat down, and started digging through my knitting tool bag.

Yup. The needles were where they were supposed to be the whole time. All I could do was stare at the furniture with which I had become so intimately acquainted. I don't trust it. I'm still convinced that my sofa lives on knitting tools.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Buzz words destroy sound bites

It's a big package. This package will not stimulate as much as it advertises. Obama's package is bloated.

So am I filthy minded or does this sound like something other than economic recovery?

Of course these quotes are referring to the collection of government programs and funding that are being proposed in the House and Senate to get us out of the current financial crisis. So what's with all the innuendo words?

This all started in December with the taint of Rod Blagojevich. The word was used first to describe the immoral residue Blago allegedly left on Barack and later on his Senate appointee Roland Burris. The word was in constant use. It would catch me off guard while in the kitchen listening to the news. I had to verify that I was not in fact watching some new spoken word porno channel. There was an excellent montage of television journalists using the word taint on the Colbert Report. If you find a link drop it in the comments.

So what's the real story here? I like to think someone is exploiting the herd mentality of twenty-four hour cable journalists by infecting them with a few double entendres.
